ASC in the community

ASC in the Community

Aberdeen Science Centre is proud to support and work alongside community-based groups across the North East of Scotland and beyond. Focusing on Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire and Morays the community team offer a variety of interactive engagements and workshops to inspire and engage with community groups, charities and organisations who do not normally engage with Science.

Our work in the community is not just about enhancing education, it is about sharing the wonders of science and enjoying what science brings to our lives, every day.

Our Community Programme of workshops, shows and activities strives to enhance numeracy and literacy skills, as well as communicate the importance of health and wellbeing. At Aberdeen Science Centre, we believe that these aspects of education are not only important for future career prospects, but they add to quality of life.

floor, staff
kids at the centre

The team also support various initiatives and festivals across Scotland, providing science-based activities and online workshops. We have worked with Live Well Aberdeenshire, Aberdeen City Council’s Rainbow Robin team, Inverness Science Festival, Highlife Highlands, DolphinFest and many more.

The team continue to explore new ways to work with our community groups, and currently offer online exercises, workshops, visits to Aberdeen Science Centre and various outreach activities.

Community Programme

Our diverse Community Programme offers a range of activities for a wide range of audiences.

Inspiring Practitioners

Alongside Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire Councils, ASC has developed the ‘Science for Community Learning and Development Workers’ course to ignite practitioner’s passion for science.

What’s on?

The Community team host various events across the year, check out our ‘What’s on?’ page for more information.

Get in touch with the team

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